has been a wild week for the East Coast, especially for people like us that reside in the NYC area. Needless to say we definitely felt the effects of hurricane Katrina in Brooklyn NY and many of our friends and family lost power and had to practice their city style backstrokes in Manhattan last night. Regardless of the turmoil, we here at pennystockdream.com continued to do some serious research for all of you even during the storm, to ensure that we are still able to provide subscribers with our Top Penny Stock alerts. We still continue to tell all of you to ensure that you conduct your own research on the plays that we bring forward to you, so that you can gain a stronger grasp on what it is that you may or may not be getting into. It is important to make sure that you do your best to stay informed when it comes to investing, especially when that investment is one within the penny stock exchange. During the hurricane yesterday, we saw a bit of a slowdown in new subscribers to our penny stock newsletter platform. The interesting thing about subscriber numbers yesterday, was that we saw record numbers in the hours before the hurricane had officially hit, then everything stopped once the hurricane hit full force. We recognized that the reason no one was signing up to pennystockdream.com during that time period, was because search engine searches and online chatter were all about the hurricane rather than penny stocks, especially considering that the stock market was closed down for the day and then again today. With the hurricane having passed by, we have seen record subscriber numbers to our top penny stock newsletter platform! We are very excited about the significant increase in subscribers that we have seen, and have officially broken our record for penny stock newsletter subscribers gained within one day. Pennystockdream.com is officially the fastest growing free penny stock newsletter service in the world and continues to grow faster as we expand our awareness platform geared not only to outside penny stock companies but awareness toward our own website as well.
The awareness initiative being toward toward our own brand, has been moving forward very quickly, testament to the fact that we are continuing to break records with our subscriber numbers that we see coming in. When it comes to money and stocks, we try to insure that we bring the top penny stocks to our clientele, in hopes that the massive profits that our alerts have been seeing for our subscribers will continue. In just the past 2 weeks alone, our followers have seen potential profits of over 800% in just 2 weeks time. These gains have greatly outperformed the penny stock exchange and have truly put pennystockdream.com on the map as a major contender within the penny stock newsletter industry.
As the awareness initiative toward our brand has pushed forward we have seen significant advancements in our business platform, far beyond just the idea of increased levels of subscribers. Within just a little bit over 2 weeks time, we have seen our websites global analytic ranking move from a ranking of the 22,772,700th website in the world, to being one of the top 7 million websites in the world. Moving up in ranking this quickly, is absolutely monstrous for a penny stock newsletter group and we are very happy to announce such significant achievements coming from pennystockdream.com. We are very quickly making a name for ourselves within this industry as the top penny stock newsletter promoter in the entire penny stock exchange. When it comes to money and stocks we fight to bring you our top penny stock newsletter picks, every single week, in hopes that they will work out very well for those that are interested in buying penny stocks.
The #1 Penny Stock Newsletter.
Constantly helping people learn How To Trade Penny Stocks
Bringing the Best Penny Stocks to your attention.
This is nothing more than an advertisement, and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security whatsoever. Before following, reading, acting, or even down right believing anything that we say via any medium, we strongly suggest that you conduct your own research and read our websites full disclaimer found here: http://pennystockdream.com/disclaimer